Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blarney Does the Zigzag Backwards

Who would believe this little guy could learn this trick.  He seems a natural!
Blarney Backs Up   http://youtu.be/9_ok3T7tnDM

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Rabbit Saga

October 2011

We were dog-sitting my sister's cocker spaniel for three nights which explains why I had Allie on a leash and Blarney free to tag along. I didn't want my sister's dog dashing off after a deer or squirrel while we were walking across the open graveyard. We had just emerged from a bush trail to reach the grass. Both dogs showed a burst of excitement by nudging each other and forging ahead. Allie's nose found the rabbit remains first but she gave it short attention before I tugged her off. Blarney stepped up with gusto and found what looked like a cleaned leg bone. "Leave it!" I yelled as I hurried toward him. It typical, stubborn, dachshund fashion, he ignored my command and took off with the bone.  We faced each other on the open graveyard, Blarney with a huge hairy bone dragging from his mouth, me with one end of Allie's leash. As I moved toward  him he'd move farther away, eventually settling behind one of the big shrubs that dot the hillside.  There was no catching him so I decided to take Allie and move off down the hill.  It worked but not before I became quite stressed.  A glance back once in awhile allowed glimpses of this tiny bouncing critter dragging the giant bone. It was several minutes before he abandoned the bone and joined us properly.  I said nothing and  pretended the incident never happened.

Blarney Meets a Cousin

The very first doxie we met when we arrived at the Weiner Walk at Thetis lake was strikingly similar to Blarney.  They might have been twins!  After comparing origins, although our memories of details were a little sketchy, we determined that both these guys had at least one parent the same.  They were a few months apart in age but both had come from Port Alberni and both had been connected to the same breeder.  Now guess which one is Blarney!